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Baba Balak Nath Ji Mandir
Profit Avenue


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Read ReviewRead Review: Baba Balak Nath Ji Mandir

Date Posted:

Total waste of time and fraudster. This man cons people into believing he can fix their problems and cure illnesses because he has special powers and can talk to god or angels so peoples wishes can be granted but the plain simple truth is this man has no special powers at all and once people realize this they stop attending his mundir. All he does is hurt people with his false claims.He thinks peoples problems and worries are his toys that he can play with. What he does is very wrong

There are 3 videos on Youtube showing him performing cheap tricks to prove he has special powers. In 2 of the video's he squeezes blood from a lemon and apparently sets fire to water. In another video he insults Guru Nanak by squeezing fake blood from a roti Please decide for yourself if he has special powers links or not. links are below

Please view these videos before his followers try to have them deleted - just copy and pate the folllowing into Google or Youtube ( Facebook wont allow links)




There should be laws against fake holymen like this hurting people

Date Posted:

This man stole thousands from my girlfriend and brainwashed her . Beware


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